It is easy to start using Reactored independently with our text and video guidance.
You can find below the instructions for ordering your license or free trial, registering, and joining your school account.
Register and log in at this address: https://app.reactored.com
You can login with your Google, Office 365, or MPASSid accounts.
Alternatively, you can click “create an account” and fill in the required information.
After registering, activate your user account by clicking the “JOIN” button.
Fill in the Teacher code that you have received from your administrator. All the teachers in your school have the same code which links you under the same organization account.
Watch this on video (part 1)
Below you can find instructions for general settings in Reactored, such as changing the language pair and creating groups. After these settings you are ready to invite your students to start learning!
Choose the language pair (source language / target language) by clicking the arrow icon below the flags in the navigation bar.
In case you teach several languages, always remember to switch the language.
Watch this on video here (part 2, 00:40).
Teachers can switch from Teacher mode to Student mode in the sidebar.
In teacher mode, you can create your material, control your groups and use the learning statistics.
The student mode is visible for you so that you can see how things look for your students.
Watch the video here (part 2, 01:00)
Navigate to GROUPS tab and click Create group -button in the top bar.
Fill in the name and description for your group and add a picture from the image bank.
Remember to check that you have chosen the correct language pair when creating a new group.
Go to the video here (part 3).
You can create a code for the students to join your course without having to register. Choose the amount of codes needed and click ADD -button. The system will create unique login codes that you can find on the right side of the window. Finally, click the UPDATE button.
When students join the organization with the codes, they are asked to create a user name (required) and to write their First and Last names.
If the student has the user ID but has not joined the school organization, you can create an invitation code.
Go to “Create a group invitation” , click CHOOSE and create a button that has to be at least six characters. Finally, add a period of validity and a maximum amount of users. Click SAVE.
Go to the video (part 3).
See also the guiding video for the students here (part 10)
After you have done all the necessary settings and have created the groups, it is time to share some course material to your students. Below you can find instructions on how to use the ready-made materials or create content of your own.
The easiest way to add material inside your course folder is to use the existing materials in Reactored!
Go to the Create material tab and click the Search courses button in the upper right corner. Choose the course you want to add and copy it to your course library. Then, click the share button on the course card and choose the group you want to share it with.
Study sets
Go inside your course folder and click Copy study sets button in the upper right corner.
You can filter lessons by keywords, organization, learning level, and education level.
Move the cursor on top of the lesson card in order to see the contents of the lesson. To copy those lessons, click the Study set card and then COPY -button.
The copied sets are not visible to your students before you set them visible. Go to lesson card and click the VISIBLE button.
The copied lessons will have the COPY-prefix. Rename the lesson via the three dots in the upper corner of the lesson card.
Watch the video guide here (part 4, 0:35)
First navigate to “Create material” tab. Click the course folder and fill in the required information. Open the course folder to modify its contents. Search for the existing courses by clicking “Search courses” in the top bar.
Always remember to check that you have chosen the right language pair.
Go to the video.
In order to create a new lesson, click the “Add new study set” button inside the course folder. Give the lesson a name, topic and description and adjust the difficulty level. Remember to use tags as they make it easier to find lessons inside Reactored.
After creating the lesson, you can start adding tasks in it. Choose among the different task types; eg. word, sentence, grammar or productive tasks!
For more detailed instructions, go to the video (part 5, 0:43)
Transform your wordlists into cool tasks easily with the task generator! Click “Add new study set” and fill in the required information. Click “create a lesson”.
After creating a lesson, click the Study Item Generator in the upper right corner.
Click the “List” button and paste your word list or piece of text in the field. Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu.
Choose the character that separates the words.
Finally, click “Create study items” -button.
After the system has created the tasks, mark those tasks you want to include in your lesson. Click “Save study items”.
Watch the video here.
Share courses for your group in the GROUP tab. In the group card, click ADD COURSE. This will open a course index, in where you can search and add courses for your group.
Monitor students’ progress in the ASSESSMENT tab. You will see how many tasks each student have done and how they have performed.
Click Additional information and data format buttons in order to change the view. In the upper right corner you can decide and modify the pass score.
Go to the video
It is possible to either transform tasks into exams or create exams from scratch.
Click the three dots in the lesson card and click “Make this study set an EXAM“. Now you can rename the exam and modify its content.
You can preview the exam before publishing it. One can recognize exams from the white background in the lesson cards. Remember to make sure that the exam is visible for the students and that you have published the exam. Click three dots in the lesson cards and publish the exam.
Choose the group to which the exam will be shared and determine the time required for the exam.
After the exam is held, you will find the results in the ASSESSMENT -tab. Choose the exam and determine unique wrong answers. The rest will be assessed automatically by Reactored.
Note! The system only shows the unique mistakes. The same mistake will get the same points, in other words, Reactored remembers how you scored the mistake. This will save a lot of time!
If you share the same exam to another group, the system remembers your scoring, and all you need to do is to correct the new unique mistakes.
Watch the video here.
Part 1 — Activate your teacher account
Follow these easy steps and you can start using Reactored’s teacher features in no time.
1. Add yourself on the school account as a teacher.
2. Students sign in options.
Part 2 — How to add new courses in Reactored
In this video you learn how to create a group.
Part 3 — How to add new courses in Reactored
In this video you learn how to create a new course, copy ready-made materials inside and hot to share it with your study groups.
Part 4 — Creating a new study set + task type introduction
In this video you learn how to create a new study set and what kind of task types Reactored has.
Part 5 — How to create interactive tasks under one minute
Auto generate lessons from any piece of textual content, a vocabulary list or a list of phrases
Part 6 — How to create digital exams in Reactored
You can create digital exams from any study set you’ve created with just a few clicks. Change the scoring adjust the tasks, publish the exam for the students and you’re ready to go.
Part 7 — Exam reviewing in Reactored
Reactored grades the exams automatically, with the unique learning evaluation feature teachers can save over 70% of the time spent in reviewing of exams.
In the study set page, you can add new tasks, edit tasks, or delete tasks.
In Reactored gap assignments, a student can respond in three different ways:
3. Speaking
Part 9 — Assessment tool
Reactored monitors students learning results automatically. Teachers can easily review the results in a group level or as well in the individual level.
In this video you’ll first learn how Reactored looks and feels like from a student point of view and seconf part shows you the navigation from teacher perspective.
Feel free to share this for your study group when you start your language course in Reactored.