Reactored uudistuu
Viimeisin päivitysjulkaisu tuo muutoksia käyttöliittymän audiovisuaaliseen ilmeeseen, tehtävätyyppeihin sekä opettajan työkaluihin.
Press release June 21, 2022.
Municipalities and education actors all over Finland are currently trying to figure out where to find Finnish language learning materials for about 25,000 Ukrainians who have arrived in Finland.
The Finnish language learning material in Finsku offers a solution to this problem. The material, implemented as a co-operation project, contains the basics of the Finnish language and is designed to support all Ukrainians who want to improve their language skills, for example, to live, study and work in Finland.
The Finsku learning material is completely free and does not require any separate registration or download of the application. The material runs in a browser at www.reactored.com/finsku and can be used on both a computer and any smart device. The material, which consists of six modules, supports independent learning of the basics of the language through grammar, key vocabularies and a wide range of related exercises. The tasks include writing, multiple choice assignments, pronunciation, and listening comprehension.
Rouhia Oy’s CEO Kari Savolainen says that the project was carried out in a tight schedule: “After extensive contact with various actors in the education network, it became clear that there was an urgent need for a fairly extensive and easily accessible Finnish language learning material package for the Ukrainians arriving to Finland. We found great partners for the project and contacted the language teachers with whom we started working on the material on a short schedule. Finsku study material, which was completed in June, enables language learning to the extent that it is smoother to start working or studying in Finland. We hope that all Ukrainians who come to Finland or plan to do so will find and actively use this free service.”
In addition to Reactored, the project has been funded by the Confederation of Finnish Industries and the Technology Industries in Finland. The learning material has been created by language teachers Heidi Sippola and Essi Markoff. The project has been supported by the language centers of the universities of Tampere and Eastern Finland in proofreading and translation work. Yle has provided Finnish language video materials.
Reactored learning platform can adapt to each individual learning style.
allows one to customize the learning events in terms of difficulty and response style. Finsku is designed mainly for self-study purposes, but the material is also available free of charge to organizations that have a Reactored license.
Reactored is a Finnish innovation in language teaching developed by Rouhia Oy, a company founded in 2015. Reactored learning environment is designed to support effective online language learning. Reactoredia is used by educational institutions and companies both in Finland and elsewhere.
Material available at: www.reactored.com/finsku
Logos and other visual material: here
CEO Kari Savolainen
Tel: +358 040530375
email: kari.savolainen@reactored.com
Viimeisin päivitysjulkaisu tuo muutoksia käyttöliittymän audiovisuaaliseen ilmeeseen, tehtävätyyppeihin sekä opettajan työkaluihin.
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